Laser for Pain/Injuries

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K-Laser is among the most famous, powerful, safe & efficient Medication Free Treatment Available in the world.

‘For Chronic and Acute Pain Management’

Common Conditions we treat using K-Laser Dynamic Therapy:

Sports Rehabilitation

K-Laser dynamic therapy has achieved remarkable results in Trauma and Sports Medicine. Treatment is quick with high application comfort. This is why K-Laser is used to treat all conditions that affect Sports people thanks to the biostimulation of damaged tissues and pain reduction.
Post Bone Fracture
Trauma related Injuries
Ligament Injuries (Ankle / Knee Sprains)
Tendon Strain / Inflammation

How does K-LASER Therapy work?

K-Laser Dynamic Therapy (Class 4) uses several pulse frequencies (called Intense Super Pulse, ISP) to produce a combination of Analgesia, Inflammation Reduction, Biostimulation and Antimicrobial effect, thus accelerating the regeneration of tissues and increasing cellular energy. Cells can thus absorb nutrients more quickly as well as eliminate waste substances. As a result of exposure to infrared laser light, the cells that constitute Tendons, Ligaments and Muscles are repaired more quickly.
It is also used effectively in treating nerve pains, swelling, bone and joint pains. Main effects of K-Laser Therapy:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Acute Condition: 3 times a week
  • Chronic Condition: 2 times a week
  • Long Term Condition: 2 times a month
  • Acute: approximately 5
  • Chronic Problems: 6-12 (or more)
  • Long term (Arthritic): Periodic care (Podiatrist will inform)
The duration of a treatment is related to the area and the condition. Usually, it will take between 10-15 minutes.
Most of the time improvement (pain reduction) is felt after the very first treatment. Sometimes chronic conditions several treatments are necessary. Treatments are cumulative and results are often felt after 3-4 sessions.
There is nearly no sensation during treatment. Occasional mild warmth can be felt. Painful areas can be briefly sensitive before pain reduction occurs.
After over 20 years of use by practitioners around the world very few side effects have ever been reported. 
Yes. Thousands of studies have been published. More than a hundred of them being rigorously controlled scientific studies.

Initial consultation $85 includes your condition clinical examination and 1st laser treatment. Podiatrist will determine and discuss with you how many treatments will be required going forward. For subsequent treatments, the cost per treatment is $65 (15-20mins).

For the best outcome of your condition and pain, it is imperative that you commit to a number of treatments that are advised by the podiatrist. For any further questions regarding the laser treatments, please call us at 34232815 or send email at

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